Watch the video above to learn more about Podiatry 



Fall19 FB 820x312 COVID-19 Resources

Coronavirus Vaccination Planning Assumptions - IDPH

APMA Covid-19 Resources

Centers for Disease Control and Prevention 

Iowa Department of Public Health 

CMS Telemedicine Health Care Provider Fact Sheet 

New Jersey Public Health Information - COVID-19 Policies and Procedures for your Medical Office

CMS Virtual Toolkit 

Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) Current Emergencies Information 

Financial Assistance Available for Small Businesses Affected by COVID-19



Founded by podiatrists, for podiatrists, Podiatry Insurance Company of America (PICA) is the nation's leading provider of medical professional liability insurance for podiatric physicians in the United States. 


Final Ruling on Electronic Prescriptions

The final rules from the Pharmacy Board regarding electronic prescriptions have been released. They will go into effect on 1/1/2020. Click here to view.